Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Critical Meeting Regarding the Future of Children's Ministry at Bethel

We have reached a point at Bethel where we no longer have the children or the volunteers to support a traditional Sunday School.  However, we do not want to forget about the spiritual health of our kids.  We need to have some programs in place that will teach our children about the Lord and help them to continue to grow spiritually.  At the moment, though, we don't know what that will look like.

Therefore we will be having a meeting on Sunday August 29th immediately following the service to discuss the future of our children at Bethel.  Pizza and childcare will be provided.

If you are the parent of a child at Bethel it is vital that you attend this meeting.  You are directly affected by the choices we make.  This includes people with college ad career aged children (OR those teens/young adults themselves are encouraged to come).

If you have ever been involved in children's ministry at Bethel in any capacity we would like to hear your opinions on things.  This includes teaching Sunday School or Junior Church, working in the toddler room, running an Awana group, heading up youth group, etc.

If you have no children and have never been involved in children's ministry we still encourage you to come if you have been convicted by the Lord to become involved.  If the closing down of Sunday School has upset you, perhaps you would be willing to step up and help our children in another capacity. If so please join us.

If you are coming to the meeting on the 28th please rsvp to Kathy at office.bethelbaptist@gmail.com with your name and your favorite kind of pizza.
Have you been cleaning out your closets and have a bunch of toys that your children no longer play with? If so, please consider donating them to our church. We are helping out the Grand Rapids daycare who is desperately in need of toys for young children. Please call the church at 831-6775 and leave a message if you can help out.