Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Adult Small Group Study of Revelation

Adult Small Group Study of Revelation

While we don't have a traditional Sunday School right now, we are still running a study of Revelation on Sunday morning for the adults, beginning at 9:30 downstairs by the kitchen.  This is a traditional "open up your Bible and start reading" kind of class, led by Curt Senka. We do have some supervised activities (movies, colouring and activity sheets) if you have young kids. We encourage you to come join us for some good lively discussion.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

March is Missions Month at Bethel

Well I cannot believe it is the end of February already but it appears it's time to announce that the month of March has been designated Missions Month at Bethel. Each Sunday in March will feature a guest speaker from the missions field. Here is a summary of who will be speaking:

March 5 - Joseph Seidu & Friends - International Student Ministries Canada
March 12 - Laura Lawrence - Child Evangelism Fellowship
March 19 - Calvin Smith – Creation Ministries International
                Topic:  “Genesis: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle”
March 26 - Bethel Missions Opportunities: Colombia (Ricardo & Jennifer), Philippines (Connie & Jane) and Winnipeg (Pearl); and Communion

We encourage you to grab a friend and come hear how the Lord is at work in all areas of the world. Worship service begins at 11:00 (or pop by at 9:30 for our adult small group study of Revelation).