Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Did You Know?

That all of our sermons are available for downloading online?  Just go to: 

to access them.  There are links to the latest sermons on the right hand side, or click the "more" button to access the complete list of all sermons.

Right now you are able to download the 100th Anniversary Sunday Morning Sermon as given by Terry Cuthbert, as well as the "Genesis and the Gospel Connection" by Richard Fangrad of  Creation Ministries International.

You have the option of just listening to the sermons at your computer or downloading them to use in other ways.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

100th Anniversary Weekend Schedule

Well it's hard to believe but our 100th Anniversary Weekend is almost upon us.  Thanksgiving weekend will be a busy one at Bethel as we celebrate 100  years of serving our faithful Lord and Saviour.  Here is a schedule of what is going on throughout the weekend:

Friday October 10th:

7:00 - 9:30 pm @ the church:  Fun & Fellowship

Saturday October 11th:

9:30 - 1:00 pm @ the church
  • muffins and coffee
  • self-tour of church - pictures on display
  • Library open
  • Fellowship areas available in lounge and basement
9:30 -  10:30 am @ the church: choir practice for those who wish to participate in the Sunday             morning service

3:30 pm @ Immanuel Pentecostal Church (955 Wilkes Ave)
  • coffee/punch available
5:00 pm @ Immanuel Pentecostal Church
  • Banquet (RSVP)
Sunday October 12:

10:30 - 12 noon @ Bethel
  • Worship Service
  • Light lunch to follow (RSVP)
If you have any questions about any of the activities you can call the church at 204-831-6775 and leave a message or email  We are looking forward to seeing many familiar faces next weekend.