Thursday, October 2, 2014

100th Anniversary Weekend Schedule

Well it's hard to believe but our 100th Anniversary Weekend is almost upon us.  Thanksgiving weekend will be a busy one at Bethel as we celebrate 100  years of serving our faithful Lord and Saviour.  Here is a schedule of what is going on throughout the weekend:

Friday October 10th:

7:00 - 9:30 pm @ the church:  Fun & Fellowship

Saturday October 11th:

9:30 - 1:00 pm @ the church
  • muffins and coffee
  • self-tour of church - pictures on display
  • Library open
  • Fellowship areas available in lounge and basement
9:30 -  10:30 am @ the church: choir practice for those who wish to participate in the Sunday             morning service

3:30 pm @ Immanuel Pentecostal Church (955 Wilkes Ave)
  • coffee/punch available
5:00 pm @ Immanuel Pentecostal Church
  • Banquet (RSVP)
Sunday October 12:

10:30 - 12 noon @ Bethel
  • Worship Service
  • Light lunch to follow (RSVP)
If you have any questions about any of the activities you can call the church at 204-831-6775 and leave a message or email  We are looking forward to seeing many familiar faces next weekend.

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