Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Some Upcoming Activities at Bethel

Here is a list of some of the things that are going on around the church this spring:

May 15th:  We are honored and excited to have Pastor Martin Chamah and his wife Edith with us all the way from Kisumu, Kenya.  The Chamah's have been looking after the orphans at the Bethel Children's Home that was established by our very own beloved missionaries Sieg & Ursula Grafe and we consider them to be family. Please come out and hear what they have to say about all that is going on with the kids in Kenya.  Bring a potluck dish and stay afterward to fellowship with them.

May 27 - 29:  Stephen Mailloux has arranged an opportunity for any men who are interested to head out to Pioneer Camp in beautiful Lake of the Woods to do some fishing and some camp maintenance.

June 4: Because of the men's camp weekend, we have had to reschedule our Congregational Business Meeting. This will now take place June 4th at 6:30 sharp. Please be a few minutes early to establish a quorum.

June 18:  We will be having a church cleaning bee this day. It's been a couple of years since our last cleaning bee and we have a bit of work to do so grab your gloves and knee pads and come help us spruce up the church. Even if you can't climb a ladder to clean windows or bend down to do yard work doesn't mean we can't find a job for you. There are a number of less strenuous jobs that require less effort and more sitting.  Cleaning commences at 9:30.

June 19:  Father's Day will be our last regular day of Sunday School.

June 26:  Our annual service in the Park to be held at Bourkevale Park at the end of Ferry Road.  A bbq will follow the service. Service starts at 10:00.
July 3: We revert to our usual summer routine: No Sunday School and our worship service will begin at 10:00 Sunday mornings.

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