Thursday, September 15, 2016

Have you ever looked at a Christian friend and wondered what made them so...different?  Have you wondered exactly what is involved in being a Christian? Do you have any idea what goes on behind the doors of that church down the street?

There is no mystery involved in serving the Lord.  It's not a secret what sets the Christian population apart from other people.   We love and serve a wonderful God who died so we could live eternally.  That's all.  And that can be for you too.

We would love to invite you to participate in an 8 week study about the basics of being a Christian.  We won't put you on the spot.  We won't ask you to sing or to pray.  We will serve you coffee and some desserts and share with you the basics of our faith because we want you to have what we have - the joy of the Lord who gives us eternal life.

We invite you to come join us at Bethel Baptist on Sunday evenings from 6 - 8 p.m. in October and November.  The exact start date is yet to be settled on so keep watching but we will not meet on Thanksgiving Sunday.

If you are curious about what the Christianity Explored course is all about, here are some links to help you out: 

Please feel free to call our office at 831-6775 if you have any questions or if you would like to register.  There is absolutely no cost to join us.

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