Thursday, July 10, 2014

Retreat Time

Yes, it's that time of year again!  Where does the time go?  It is time to start registering for our fall retreat.  Once again we will be going to Gimli Bible Camp, from Friday September 19th to Sunday September 21st.

Our speaker this year will be none other than Pastor Will Feldbusch, former long time pastor of Bethel and now pastoring at Barberry Evangelical Free Church.  We are very excited that Will and Carole will be fellowshipping with us, and it fits in so well with our 100th anniversary celebrations.  We encourage you to come and spend the weekend reminiscing with the Feldbusch's, and if you didn't know them from their previous time at Bethel, we assure you they are very warm and friendly people.

You can start registering now.  Please see Kathy to pay or if you have any questions.  Prices remain the same as last year: adults: $50,  children ages 6-12: $35,   five & under: free.     There is a family maximum of $185.

If you are unable to attend due to financial constrictions, please see Pastor Arden or Kathy.  Conversely, if you are unable to attend and would like to sponsor someone who could not otherwise afford it, please see the pastor or Kathy as well.

If you don't attend Bethel, have no idea who Kathy is but want to get in on the fun, call the office at 204-831-6775 and leave a message.  I promise we will get back to you.

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