Thursday, July 10, 2014

Very Exciting News

We are very excited to announce that we have booked a special guest speaker to speak in our church on Sunday, September 28th, during both the Sunday School and worship service times.

Richard Fangrad works for Creation Ministries International and he will be here giving two talks on creation.  Here is his biography from the Creation Ministries website:

Richard has been speaking on the creation/evolution issue since 1994 and involved with a creation-oriented ministry in Canada since 1996. The Canadian office of Creation Ministries International began as a room in his home in late 1998. As a speaker, he is known for his easy-to-understand scientific presentations. He was driven to get involved with creation ministry primarily because of the influence that creation materials and resources had on his own faith and his walk with Christ.
Richard's professional training is in electronics. He has worked on advanced communication satellite systems at Com Dev, a world leader in this field. Shortly before working in creation ministry full-time in 1999, he worked at Raytheon Canada and was involved in the early testing phases of the first all-digital radar system. He is now CEO of CMI–Canada and co-host CMI’s TV show Creation Magazine Live!

 The title of Mr. Fangrad's sermons are : 9:30 - Defending Genesis in a Scientific Age
                                                     11:00 - Genesis and the Gospel Connection

In the next month or so, posters and fliers will be available with more information.  We want this to be a BIG DEAL and encourage you to take as many handouts as possible and spread the word to your family, friends, co-workers, neighbours, the cashier at Safeway... Let's pack the church with people curious to learn how we reconcile our beliefs with those of the world. 

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