Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Bethel Rays of Hope

The Bethel Rays of Hope Orphanage will be holding it's Annual General Meeting on Thursday November 20th at 7:00 at New Life Church in Stonewall.  It's only a half hour drive from the city and is a great opportunity to learn more about the great work that is going on in Kisumu.  Everyone from Bethel is invited to attend.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

National Day of Prayer

This coming Sunday Nov. 9 is our Fellowship National Day of Prayer.  In support of this initiative, Bethel will be having a time of prayer at the church on Sunday afternoon, beginning at 3:00.  Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Did You Know?

That all of our sermons are available for downloading online?  Just go to: 

to access them.  There are links to the latest sermons on the right hand side, or click the "more" button to access the complete list of all sermons.

Right now you are able to download the 100th Anniversary Sunday Morning Sermon as given by Terry Cuthbert, as well as the "Genesis and the Gospel Connection" by Richard Fangrad of  Creation Ministries International.

You have the option of just listening to the sermons at your computer or downloading them to use in other ways.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

100th Anniversary Weekend Schedule

Well it's hard to believe but our 100th Anniversary Weekend is almost upon us.  Thanksgiving weekend will be a busy one at Bethel as we celebrate 100  years of serving our faithful Lord and Saviour.  Here is a schedule of what is going on throughout the weekend:

Friday October 10th:

7:00 - 9:30 pm @ the church:  Fun & Fellowship

Saturday October 11th:

9:30 - 1:00 pm @ the church
  • muffins and coffee
  • self-tour of church - pictures on display
  • Library open
  • Fellowship areas available in lounge and basement
9:30 -  10:30 am @ the church: choir practice for those who wish to participate in the Sunday             morning service

3:30 pm @ Immanuel Pentecostal Church (955 Wilkes Ave)
  • coffee/punch available
5:00 pm @ Immanuel Pentecostal Church
  • Banquet (RSVP)
Sunday October 12:

10:30 - 12 noon @ Bethel
  • Worship Service
  • Light lunch to follow (RSVP)
If you have any questions about any of the activities you can call the church at 204-831-6775 and leave a message or email  We are looking forward to seeing many familiar faces next weekend.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Exciting Guest Speaker

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fall Hours

Just a reminder to everyone that on this coming Sunday (September 7) we will be reverting to our regular fall hours.  That means that Sunday School begins again at 9:30, with refreshments at 10:30 and our worship service at 11:00.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Potluck Sundays

As you know, we do not have our usual potlucks during the summer. However, we would like to try something a bit different. On the third Sunday in July & August (so, this coming Sunday July 20th and August 17) we would ask people to pack a lunch that will feed your family. Then, once the service is over, we will decide on a local park to go to and we will all meet there for lunch. Don't forget lawn chairs, bug spray and any sports equipment you think people might like.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Very Exciting News

We are very excited to announce that we have booked a special guest speaker to speak in our church on Sunday, September 28th, during both the Sunday School and worship service times.

Richard Fangrad works for Creation Ministries International and he will be here giving two talks on creation.  Here is his biography from the Creation Ministries website:

Richard has been speaking on the creation/evolution issue since 1994 and involved with a creation-oriented ministry in Canada since 1996. The Canadian office of Creation Ministries International began as a room in his home in late 1998. As a speaker, he is known for his easy-to-understand scientific presentations. He was driven to get involved with creation ministry primarily because of the influence that creation materials and resources had on his own faith and his walk with Christ.
Richard's professional training is in electronics. He has worked on advanced communication satellite systems at Com Dev, a world leader in this field. Shortly before working in creation ministry full-time in 1999, he worked at Raytheon Canada and was involved in the early testing phases of the first all-digital radar system. He is now CEO of CMI–Canada and co-host CMI’s TV show Creation Magazine Live!

 The title of Mr. Fangrad's sermons are : 9:30 - Defending Genesis in a Scientific Age
                                                     11:00 - Genesis and the Gospel Connection

In the next month or so, posters and fliers will be available with more information.  We want this to be a BIG DEAL and encourage you to take as many handouts as possible and spread the word to your family, friends, co-workers, neighbours, the cashier at Safeway... Let's pack the church with people curious to learn how we reconcile our beliefs with those of the world. 

Retreat Time

Yes, it's that time of year again!  Where does the time go?  It is time to start registering for our fall retreat.  Once again we will be going to Gimli Bible Camp, from Friday September 19th to Sunday September 21st.

Our speaker this year will be none other than Pastor Will Feldbusch, former long time pastor of Bethel and now pastoring at Barberry Evangelical Free Church.  We are very excited that Will and Carole will be fellowshipping with us, and it fits in so well with our 100th anniversary celebrations.  We encourage you to come and spend the weekend reminiscing with the Feldbusch's, and if you didn't know them from their previous time at Bethel, we assure you they are very warm and friendly people.

You can start registering now.  Please see Kathy to pay or if you have any questions.  Prices remain the same as last year: adults: $50,  children ages 6-12: $35,   five & under: free.     There is a family maximum of $185.

If you are unable to attend due to financial constrictions, please see Pastor Arden or Kathy.  Conversely, if you are unable to attend and would like to sponsor someone who could not otherwise afford it, please see the pastor or Kathy as well.

If you don't attend Bethel, have no idea who Kathy is but want to get in on the fun, call the office at 204-831-6775 and leave a message.  I promise we will get back to you.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Youth Wind Up

Attention all youth:

We will be having our wind up on Friday June 27th.  We will be going to Sky Zone to bounce on some trampolines.  Please meet at the church between 6:00 and 6:30.  We will be leaving promptly at 6:30.  The cost will be $2 for socks, or you can bring your own Sky Zone socks if you already have a pair.  After we are done we will be heading over to the Pastor's house (387 Lyle St.) to roast some marshmallows, weather permitting.  Pick up will be at the Boville's between 10:00 and 10:30.

All youth will need to bring a waiver form from the Sky Zone website, signed by their parent.  This is the link to the waiver:  

Monday, May 26, 2014

Congregational Business Meeting

Just a reminder to all that our Congregational Business Meeting will take place this Saturday, May 31st at 6:30. Please arrive ten minutes early to allow us to establish a quorum prior to beginning. If you can, please bring a dessert or some dainties. We would like to encourage as many people to come as possible. We are discussing some important renovations to the church and would like the input of as many people as possible. You do not have to be a member to attend (but you do to vote) nor do you have to be of a "certain age". Becoming more involved in the running of your church is an important part of your spiritual life so we hope to see you on Saturday.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Our Sunday School Project

Let's not forget about our Sunday School project. We are sending a box of supplies to a pastor and his family in the Philippines and we are a bit slow on bringing in things to fill that box. We have until the end of the month to get all the supplies to fill the box. Among the items needed are: towels, facecloths, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, chocolate, spam type luncheon meat, cases or cans of stew (dollar store), pens, pencils, crayons, glue sticks, cans of hot chocolate, pancake mix, coffee whitener, peanut butter, mayo, nutella, sugar, spaghetti, macaroni, as well as little treats for the kids or pretty things for the girls for their hair, etc. You do not need to attend Sunday School; the money collected from Sunday School will be used in shipping the box and for monetary help but ANYBODY can bring in supplies and leave them in the boxes located in each Sunday School room. Let's get that box filled for this family that has so little.

Attention all Youth!

YAY! We are having another youth event! If you are in middle school or high school, we invite you to come out to the church on April 25th at 7:00 for fun, food (i think) and frivolity. Bring all your friends and your sense of humor and enjoy the fellowship of other youth as well as the hospitality of Doc Coleman and his lovely wife.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Filipino Fundraiser

It's that time of year again!  Time for our 3rd annual Filipino fundraiser!

This project has grown so much over the last few years and we are excited to offer our new and expanded fundraiser.  Here are the details:

WHO:  Anyone who wants to have fun and raise some money to send boxes of much needed supplies to the Philippines

WHAT:  Dinner (traditional Filipino food), Karaoke & Sungka (a shell game) & prizes

WHERE:  Here at the church

WHEN:  May 24th, with two dinner sittings (5:00 & 6:00).  Doors will open at 4:30

COST:  Adults:  $12.00             Children ages 6-12: $5.00             Children 5 and under: free

Tickets are available now from Pearl.


What is a family?  And does family still matter in this day and age?

Focus on the Family Canada presents the Pine Creek Entertainment documentary Irreplaceable, which seeks to address these fundamental questions. The documentary’s host Tim Sisarich travels the world to explore what “family” really means – and why it is so important to humanity.

Filled with insightful interviews from a diverse group of experts, this documentary highlights the passions, joys, tears and triumphs of the family, exploring the desire and design God has placed in each of us. Irreplaceable is a timely and provocative documentary that challenges viewers to take a closer look at their own families and to consider what can be done to make them stronger. It also offers a message of hope: that it is never too late to become a better father, mother, sister or brother. 

(taken from the Focus on the Family website)

"Irreplaceable" will only be shown in theatres on one night:  Wednesday May 7th at 7:30.   You can get tickets by going to and entering the name of the movie and our city.  You can also go to for more information or to order tickets.

Easter Services

Here is some information on our Easter services:

Good Friday Service (April 18th) at 10:30:  Pastor Arden will be speaking on "The Crucifixion of Jesus"  Matthew 27:32-50.  We will also be observing communion.

Easter Sunday Service (April 20th):  We invite you to come rejoice with us on Easter Sunday.  We will be having a pancake breakfast that runs from 9:30 - 10:30 and then our service will begin at 11:00.  Please invite your friends, family, neighbors or that guy you see at the coffee shop every day but don't really know.

If you have been wondering what church is all about, if you have wanted to visit but have been afraid to walk through the doors, if you're hungry and alone and in need of a family, there is no better time to come to church than on Easter Sunday.  The glory of the Lord's love for us (YOU!) is never more apparent than on this day when we celebrate His triumphant victory over death and over sin.  We will feed you, we will make you a part of our family, we will show you a God that desires to be a part of your life.  We want to see you; please join us!

There will be NO Sunday School or potluck on Easter Sunday.

Friday, March 14, 2014

We are now on Facebook

We finally have a Facebook page for up-to-the-minute updates about what's going on at Bethel.  On your Facebook search bar, type in Bethel Baptist Church - Winnipeg and then click "Like" to get instant updates.